Wednesday, February 28, 2007

peace and calm

have been meditating a bit lately...i love it!!!

Have been thinking about being mornings are often fraught with tension and mess and screaming fighting kids who don't listen to a word i say let alone actually get off their behinds to DO what i say!! So have been thinking about how to maintain my inner calm....

I realised that insteaed of waiting for calm to appear magically....when all the planets were aligned or when such and such happens then i'll be happy/calm/contented/have my life sorted/be perfect....i realised:

to have calm i must BE calm

to have peace i must BE peace

it is something i can DO....not wait passively for....but choose to do. It's like a meditation i did the other day at they were talking about the meaning of life...they said think about what gives your life kids, my husband, my health, my thoughts, music, god, my wider family, wine :-), my environment.....And so i realised that if i focused on these things...i am living a meaningful life. We are always waiting for things to happen to us, for real life to begin, for meaning, for happiness, to arrive at THAT place where we think we should be.......but we are there. Funny how if you turn it around and think about what brings's there... So the same is for peace and calm, stop wishing for calm, BE calm. It's a verb. Like love.

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