Monday, May 26, 2008

What do I really really really want?

Have a look at this:

You have to have 3 reallys apparently! It was a very interesting post...makes ya think!

So what do I really really really want? Not what should I want....what does my gut say?

- acceptance of me
- a cleaner house
- peace internally
- another baby
- more balance in my life, less rushing...less STUFF to do
- to be able to live on what money we have and stop racking up credit
- to stop living according to others and not be scared of letting go of other people

So maybe i should focus...could focus...on these things, and put my energy into the life i really really really want :-)


david santos said...

Yes, I loved it.
have a nice day

KateSp said...

thanks so much David :-)