Monday, February 26, 2007

the power of positive thinking....

i can cope with the housework.....



i can cope with the kids in a loving way......



i can adopt a healthy lifestyle one thoughtful, loving step at a time.....



Of course i can do all of these things...housework isn't brain surgery!! I just need to breathe, be positive, stop thinking about it and do it!! The kids aren't brain surgery either...they just require patience, understanding of what is normal for them and what is naughty, and quit with the expectations. They need to learn to listen, they aren't born knowing!! I need to employ damage control, not expect them to always listen and learn and watch what they are doing and be nice to each other and talk quietly!!!! I need to concentrate on what IS, not some high-falluting idea of perfection that I think they SHOULD be. They are noisy and chaotic, that is normal. The morning will be noisy and chaotic too. If clutter bothers me, then i should do something about it. I need to accept my life exactly as it is, right now, at this will probably be a little cluttered! But also if it's a priority for me then i should do something about it.


Bobby D. said...

wow this is so weird, I just found your blog-- I posted about Chaos today too. I'm going to look around now, at some of your older posts.

KateSp said...

Thanks d. :-)