Monday, February 19, 2007

some revelations!!

Have been doing a lot of thinking lately.....

Yesterday was thinking about The Mountain.....i was imagining that my weight loss goals were at the top of a mountain and that i was headed towards them. I thought, to get to the top of the mountain i wouldn't rush, i would just take one bit at a time and have a rest...and get there at my own comfortable pace. I'd probably be a bit impatient though, that seems to be one of my characteristics. Then i realised that he mountain idea applied to the housework little bit at a time.

But today i've had some even better ideas!! My dad said some very complimentary things about me...he said that i was very intelligent and had very good pepole skills, and how much more could one human being do? Wow, what a big compliment. I guess i'm still after his approval!! to be continued.......

1 comment:

Just Jude said...

Hi Kate, thank you for your thoughts. I like the idea of not rushing to the top of the mountain. Im sure we will enjoy hearing about your progress along the way. We all have mountains of some kind in our sights and its helpful to remember that when they become difficult to climb its good to look back down at the view from where we have come and celebrate the journey so far.